TFT Tacticians Guide

What's a Tactician?

Tacticians are your in-game avatar whenever you play a match of Teamfight Tactics. They represent you as an icon on the loading screen/end-of-game summary and as a movable character model when you're making plays in the Convergence. You can make them perform a variety of actions with CTRL + 1, 2 or 3 on the computer or the action icon in the upper left corner on mobile, as well as flex the same emotes available in League of Legends. Since they have no direct impact on gameplay (unless you count the psychological damage of getting flattened by a Fluft of Poros or chomped by the cuteness that is Shork), multiple players can queue up as the same tactician.

Tacticians come in a few varieties:

Little Legends

The OG tactician, little legends are an expansive roster of TFT originals that often enjoy a variety of styles tied to individual sets. You can use Star Shards to level up most variants, evolving their look with each star level. They can be purchased directly and often appear as part of a set's battle pass.

Little Legend Eggs

Old school TFT players may remember a time when little legends popped at random out of eggs tied to sets and other events. In fact, you may have some of those eggs left around in your inventory!

But like any other egg, these ovoid surprises have an expiration date.

All remaining legend eggs in your inventory will automatically be opened on March 12, 2025.

Most players will get random content like they normally would, like permanent tacticians and Star Shards. But if you already own everything an egg has to offer, you'll get 50 Treasure Tokens per "opened" egg.


Chibis are League of Legends champions who've been chibified in their journey to the Convergence, giving them bigger heads, bigger eyes, and smaller bodies to fit TFT's whimsical style. They each typically have their own boom and sometimes even a unique finisher.

Base skin chibis can usually be purchased directly, but others (typically mythic or prestige variants) are featured as time-limited star content in Treasure Realms and the Rotating Shop.

Unbound Tacticians

Unbound tacticians are League of Legends champions who've brought their undiluted essence to TFT. They have unique splash art, custom emotes, new animations, and potent finishers. Each Unbound is only available for a limited amount of time through Treasure Realms and the Rotating Shop and can typically be acquired with Mythic Medallions.

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